
A: If you have a diagnosed or diagnosable health or mental health condition that substantially limits things you can do or how you are able to do them, 你可能有资格. The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) has specific criteria that are used to determine eligibility. The best way to find out if you are eligible is to meet with someone from OAS and start a conversation about your specific concerns. Even if you don’t qualify, you can receive referrals for other services that can be of assistance.


A: Accommodations are appropriate academic adjustments or other modifications that mitigate the functional limitations resulting from disability to ensure equal access to university programs and services. 迁就并不是不公平的优势,也不是软弱的表现. 需要住宿的学生和不需要住宿的学生一样努力.


A: You control knowledge of your status as a person with a disability and if someone has knowledge if you ever used accommodations while at Clarkson. This information is protected to ensure your confidentiality and dignity are only shared with appropriate individuals with your consent. 如果你参加了后备军官训练队, be aware that some branches of the military will medically discharge students who use accommodations in college. 如果这可能会影响到你,请在要求住宿之前联系你的ROTC项目.

Q: I have a 504 plan in high school - should I get it updated for college so I can transfer my plan from high school to college?

答:没有. 504 Plans and IEPs (Individualized Educational Plans) are created to serve students until they leave high school to provide services while still in school. These are supported by the federal law called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 一旦你在esball国际平台客户端注册, 不管你的年龄, you are considered to be an adult and your pathway to equal access is supported by another law, 美国残疾人法案(ADA). 所以即使你的504计划或IEP在大学里不再有效, 它仍然是你对住宿的历史使用的重要组成部分. 我们鼓励您提交这些信息, 以及其他文档, 协助资格确定过程.

Q: I don’t have a disability, but I just became injured and feel like I might need some help. 我该怎么办??

A:马上联系无障碍服务办公室. There is a good chance that 你可能有资格 for temporary accommodations while you heal or recover. 可能符合暂时残疾条件的例子包括脑震荡, 影响活动能力的伤害, 惯用手受伤, 手术和术后恢复, 等.



问:我有一个诊断, but never requested accommodations at college because I thought I had overcome the effects of my diagnosis. 已经有几年了,但现在我想我需要寻找可能有用的解决方案. 现在要求住宿太晚了吗?

A:要求住宿永远不会太迟. 我们都有不同的学习方式,有一些残疾(不同的学习方式). 为了弥补我们之间的差异,我们使用应对策略和变通方法. 有时,我们制定的策略根本就不那么有效. 此时此刻, you should consider working with someone in our office who can isolate your learning needs and help you determine if accommodations are the best solution for you.

问:我被诊断出患有某种疾病,但决定不使用药物治疗. 我还有资格申请住宿吗?

是的. 然而, 很多情况,比如注意力障碍, 抑郁症, and anxiety can be drastically improved for individuals when medication is recommended by your provider. 如果您认为药物治疗可能是您计划中有用的一部分,请咨询您的医生. Sometimes finding the most effective medication for you can take some time and patience and willingness to work with your provider to try different dosages and medications.

问:我在心理咨询中心得到心理健康问题的帮助. 我应该询问住宿条件吗?

A:探索你的选择和需求, have a conversation with your counselor or other providers about how your condition impacts your college experience. 你们可以一起决定是否寻求住宿. 如果你符合住宿条件, 你可以选择与每个办公室独立工作, 或者合作来支持你的学习和心理健康需求.

问:我正在与健康中心的一名医务人员就我的身体健康状况进行合作. 我应该询问住宿条件吗?

A:探索你的选择和需求, first have a conversation with your medical provider about how your condition impacts your college experience. 你们可以一起决定是否寻求住宿. 如果你符合住宿条件, 你可以选择与每个办公室独立工作, 或者合作来支持你的学习和心理健康需求.

问:在来esball国际平台客户端之前,我在另一所学院或大学获得了住宿. 我能在这里得到同样的住宿吗?

A: We encourage you to request to have your accommodation file sent to us from the other college or university. It is likely that there may be some accommodations you used to receive that may be provided to you at Clarkson. 我们使用交互式的录取流程来评估您的文件, 自我报告的信息, and information from your medical providers to determine eligibility and appropriate accommodations. Some colleges and universities use different accommodation tools to address the same functional limitations, 因此有时会产生一些差异.

问:我已经收到住宿了, 但我想我确实需要一个住处, 但我没有. 我该怎么办??

A: The accommodation process allows for changes as learning needs or functional limitations change. You should make your specific request to our office to determine if you are eligible for that specific accommodation.

问:我认为我没有残疾, but I do have special dietary restrictions from my doctor that make it hard to eat at college. 我应该试着自己做饭吗?

答:没有. 你的全职工作是做一名大学生, 我们的工作就是为你的需求提供和其他学生一样的便利. The campus food service provides a wide variety of foods that are designed to meet most dietary needs. 然而, sometimes individual needs are better met through a dietary accommodation from the Office of 可及性服务. 如果您符合基于医疗需求和其他标准的资格标准, 你可以接受量身定制的饮食服务,以满足你的需求. 有各种各样的饮食选择可以避免特定的食物过敏原, 谷蛋白, 还有其他的限制.


答:没有. 如果你有住宿需求, it is important to have that need evaluated by our office as we can determine your eligibility and all of your needs. 教授们只能为这间办公室提供的住宿提供荣誉. Students are cautioned not to share diagnostic or personal health information with professors for this reason. 所有人对诊断信息的理解都不同, 因此,把你的信息分享给错误的人可能会适得其反. 一旦信息被共享,你就无法逆转这一行为. The Office of 可及性服务 works hard to protect the dignity and privacy of each student we serve as protected by FERPA.


A:是的,如果你想在他们的课上住宿的话. 您可以选择选择哪些课程, 甚至是在一个班级里的考试, 你用你的住宿. Professors have an educational and practical need to know if you want to use your accommodations in their class.


A:不,你会和其他学生一样受到对待. 住宿学生约占在校学生总数的10%. 作为一所大学, esball国际平台客户端的所有教职员工都喜欢与各种各样的学生一起工作, 包括残疾人士.


答:没有, there are no differences in grade point averages among students with disabilities as compared to the general student population. 然而, students who are found eligible for and use accommodations often find that their grades go up notably. 这是因为一旦有了便利条件,就实现了平等的机会. 加上住宿条件, 学生们发现他们可以更有效地工作,并能够与同龄人竞争.


答:没有. 根据IDEA立法提供的住宿直到高中都是基于成功的. 如果制定IEP或504计划的成年人团队看到一个学生不成功, 他们仔细监控并做出改变以确保成功. 根据ADA法例, accommodations for college students are only designed to provide equal access (the same that all other students have). 成功取决于每个学生的努力. 尽管许多残疾学生都很成功, 就像普通人群一样, 有些则不然.


A: If you feel like your accommodations are no longer working for you, please reach out to OAS. 我们很乐意和你谈谈你的选择. This may require you to set up an appointment with your provider to get updated documentation.

问:我有一个问题没有在这里回答. 我能问谁呢??

A:查看右侧的联系信息,打电话或发邮件给我们的办公室. 我们很高兴为你的问题提供帮助.