
Accommodations and services are provided for students with disabilities to provide equal access to educational programs and services in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 《1990年美国残疾人法案, 于2008年修订, esball国际平台客户端的政策. The Office of 可及性服务 facilitates the provision of services and accommodations for students. 住宿由个人决定.



The admission process and criteria are the same for all students applying to Clarkson. 残疾状况不作为录取决定的考虑因素.


While you are encouraged to speak to our office about possible accommodations while researching the University, documentation should be submitted to the Office of 可及性服务 only after you have been admitted to the University.
鼓励学生在到达校园之前自我披露. 无障碍服务办公室越早意识到住宿需求, the better prepared the University is for your arrival and the start of your classes.


单凭诊断并不能使你有资格获得住宿. 损害的存在,实质上限制了主要的生命活动, the current impact of your impairment and how it affects your ability to function in an academic setting, and a rational and objective basis for the requested accommodations are necessary to determine whether or not accommodations are reasonable.
esball国际平台客户端 is required to provide appropriate academic adjustments necessary to ensure it does not discriminate on the basis of a disability. 这些住宿可能与以前提供的有所不同. Accommodations frequently used by students with disabilities are extended time for test-taking, 一个安静的考场, 以其他格式打印材料, 轮椅无障碍住房, 还有辅助听力设备. 适当、合理的住宿条件取决于个人情况.
The Office of 可及性服务 does not provide accessible parking permits except on a temporary basis as a student is recovering from a severe injury. Permanent accessible parking permits can be obtained through the Village of Potsdam.


有许多资源可用于支持残疾学生.  The services listed below are free of charge to all esball国际平台客户端 students but are not specifically designed for students with disabilities.  There are some services and accommodations which may be needed by students with disabilities that are not provided by the Clarkson. 


学生支持服务(SSS)为符合条件的学生提供学术支持.  Some of the available services include weekly small group tutoring, practice exams and workshops.  Individual academic counseling is available for students seeking assistance in such areas as development and strengthening of study techniques, 改善的动机, 应对考试压力和时间管理技能.


写作中心提供一对一的学术和个人项目帮助, 喜欢的文章, 报告, 实验室, 和演示文稿.  The 写作中心 also offers information about citing sources and common writing errors. The 写作中心 is a site with assistive technology for students with disabilities. 


esball国际平台客户端的教育不仅仅是你在课堂上学到的东西. It is also a time to grow, become more self confident, and prepare for the ups and downs of life. esball国际平台客户端 Counseling Services assists students in reaching their full potential for social and emotional development. 


Students are responsible for aids or assistance of a personal nature such as wheelchairs, 助听器, computers to be used at home or attendants for services of a personal nature including assistance with bathing or dressing or life coaching. Please contact 可及性服务 if you would like information about local agencies.



If a student feels that they were denied reasonable accommodation based on qualifying disability, 他们可以通过填写一份 合理住宿上诉表格. 该请求将由ADA/504上诉委员会审查. Students may be contacted by the committee for additional information or documentation.    


Remember that people with disabilities have many levels of experiences—their disability is simply one aspect of their complex identities.

  • When a person with a disability may need assistance, it is appropriate to offer help. 等到对方接受了对方的邀请,并给出了提供帮助的指示. Do not be offended if your offer to help is declined—there are a myriad of reasons why a person might reject help, 包括练习独立完成任务的愿望.
  • Never lean on, touch, or move a person’s assistive equipment without first getting their consent.
  • 如果一个残疾人在使用服务性动物, 未经主人同意,不要触摸或分散动物的注意力. 这样做可能对车主不安全,而且具有破坏性.
  • 引起聋人/重听人的注意, 轻拍或触摸它们, 或者挥挥手. If they are using an interpreter, speak directly to the person, not the interpreter.
  • 注意环境中可能造成危险的障碍物或危险. 例如破裂或破损的人行道或路径, 泄漏, 宽松的地毯, 以及阻碍交通模式或突出到旅行路径的物体.
  • 不要轻拍别人的头或抓住别人的手臂.
  • Never be afraid to invite someone with a disability to participate in an event or activity. If there are concerns about accessibility or that the person may not be able to participate fully, 把这些问题说出来,一起解决. 被排斥是孤立和痛苦的.
  • 当遇到残疾人时, 在适当的时候主动与没有残疾的人握手. 如果那个人不能握住你的手,他们会告诉你的. 主动握手被视为尊重的表示.
  • 如果你听不懂别人的话, 让他们重复或问一些澄清性的问题. Pretending to understand what someone said is disrespectful and denies them the opportunity to contribute to the conversation.




  • 残障人士教育法
  • 1973年康复法案第504条
  • IDEA关乎成功


  • ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, amended 2008; Title 11, Title III)
  • 1973年康复法案第504条
  • ADA是esball国际平台客户端获取的



  • 学生得到学校的认可,得到家长和老师的支持
  • 安排住宿的主要责任属于学校
  • 如果老师认为你需要帮助,他们会找你


  • 学生必须向无障碍服务办公室自我确认
  • Primary responsibility for self-advocacy and arranging accommodations belongs to the student
  • 教授通常都很开放,乐于助人, 但大多数人希望你主动联系,如果你需要帮助



  • Parent has access to student records and can participate in the accommodation process
  • 家长为学生发声


  • 未经学生书面同意,家长不得查阅学生记录
  • 学生为自我辩护



  • 教师可以修改课程和/或改变作业的课程进度
  • You are expected to read short assignments that are then discussed and often re-taught in class
  • You seldom need to read anything more than once, sometimes listening in class is enough


  • 教授不需要修改设计或更改作业截止日期
  • You are assigned substantial amounts of reading and writing which may not be directly addressed in class
  • 你需要定期复习课堂笔记、课文和其他材料



  • IEP和504计划可能包括对考试形式和/或评分的修改
  • 测试是频繁的,并且只涵盖少量的材料
  • 通常可以进行补考
  • 老师经常花时间提醒你作业和截止日期


  • 评分和考试形式的变化(1).e. 选择题vs. 论文)通常是不可用的.  调整考试安排(延长考试时间), 考试监考员)在无障碍服务办公室批准后可用.
  • Testing is usually infrequent and may be cumulative, covering large amounts of material
  • Makeup tests are seldom an option; if they are, you need to request them
  • 教授希望你去阅读, 保存, and consult the course syllabus (outline); the syllabus spells out exactly what is expected of you, 当它到期时, 以及如何给你打分



  • Tutoring and study support may be a service provided as part of an IEP or 504 plan
  • 其他人安排你的时间和任务
  • 你可以在课外每周只学习0到2个小时, 这可能主要是最后一分钟的考试准备


  • 辅导不属于无障碍服务.  Students with disabilities must seek out tutoring resources as they are available to all Clarkson students
  • 你可以管理自己的时间,独立完成任务
  • 在课堂上每学习一小时,你至少需要在课外学习2-3小时